Now lets be honest with ourselves. Women have been the fashion trend entrepenuers of handling themselves i.e Pampering themselves on the move with their highly expensive BAGS.
But as fashion is so ever changing MEN are gradually taking into consideration their own 'pampering' needs. You could be a student going to college or even university and you can not always carry around your stuff in your hands. They can only handle so much and Men now take alot of interest on their apperance on the move. Ask yourself do you look like the same individual the left your household in the morning to the same person after a hard days work or after a gym work out. 'Man Bags' are the in thing.
On ther other hand you have Men with 'Purses' which Men find more accessible due to the fact of size and the most important things are put in them. You decide...... Are you more of a MAN BAG, MAN PURSE or Neither and why....
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